Celebrating Teachers at Regent and Across the Globe on World Teachers’ Day 2024

Published: 5th October 2024
World Teachers’ Day

On this World Teachers’ Day, celebrated every October 5th, we take a moment to reflect on the incredible contributions of teachers around the globe. This day, established by the United Nations 30 years ago, recognises the dedication of educators who inspire, motivate, and guide the future generations. For me, the teachers at Regent Group, including those at Regent College London, Regent Middle East, and Gulf Indian High School Dubai, are particularly special. Their tireless work is the cornerstone of our vision for the future of education, and I am deeply grateful for their commitment.


Teachers at the Heart of Regent Group

As Regent Group grows and evolves, our teachers remain at the core of our success. Recently, I have taken on the role of Principal, overseeing the academic management team at Regent College. This is a clear reflection of how important educators are to the group’s ambitious plans, including the development of Regent University, our future British university (pending approval). The role teachers play in this journey cannot be overstated; they are the architects of the students’ minds, laying the foundation for future leaders and innovators.

Our collective goal is to unlock human potential through education and mindset transformation, and our teachers are the drivers of this mission. As we look ahead, our path to becoming a British university is directly tied to the strength, dedication, and innovation of our teaching staff.


The Impact of Great Teachers

Many of us can recall at least one teacher who made a significant impact on our lives. Personally, I’ve been fortunate to have learned from two extraordinary educators during my executive education. The late Professor Clay Christensen introduced me to the laws of nature and how they can be harnessed to achieve success. His teachings were a turning point in my life, instilling in me the importance of curiosity and self-discovery. Professor Huggy Rao from Stanford University also inspired my vision for Regent Group with his insights into innovation, culture, and design.

Their lessons, much like those of all great teachers, were not just about imparting knowledge but about challenging me to think critically and independently. This spirit of teaching is what we strive to embody at Regent Group, as we prepare our students to think into character and create the future they desire.


Addressing Global Education Challenges

While World Teachers’ Day is a celebration, it also serves as a reminder of the global challenges in education. Despite education being a fundamental right enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, there are still an estimated 264 million children and youth who remain out of school globally. Regent Group is proud to contribute in a small way to overcoming these barriers, particularly through initiatives like Public Learn in Sri Lanka.

Public Learn is a platform we created to provide access to free educational resources from world-leading institutions. Given Sri Lanka’s tumultuous past, with education disrupted by civil war, this platform helps bridge the gap by making high-quality education more accessible. Through Public Learn, users can access free online courses from institutions worldwide, including our own Thinking into Character programme, which helps learners transform their mindset and unlock their potential.


Gratitude to Teachers and Moving Forward

In closing, today is about celebrating the unwavering dedication of teachers everywhere. Whether at Regent Group or in classrooms around the world, educators are the pillars of society. They are the ones who shape the leaders, innovators, and change-makers of tomorrow. To all teachers, I extend my heartfelt thanks. Your work is invaluable, and your impact immeasurable.