International Day of Peace 2024

Published: 21st September 2024
Cultivating Peace on the United Nations (UN) International Day of Peace

September 21st marks the United Nations International Day of Peace, a day of immense significance, not only globally but personally for me and my family. The theme for this year, Cultivating Peace, resonates deeply with my personal experiences and professional journey. Born in Sri Lanka, both my wife, Tharshiny, and I fled the civil war as teenagers, seeking refuge from conflict. Our lives have been profoundly shaped by the impact of war and the pursuit of peace. As the co-founder of the Regent Global Unity Forum, I feel privileged to contribute to the global effort of fostering peace and mutual understanding.


A Milestone Year for Peace and Understanding

This year, 2024, marks two significant milestones: the 25th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace, and the 25th anniversary of the Regent Group, a company that my wife and I built on the pillars of education, empowerment, and ethical business.

The United Nations Declaration emphasised that peace is more than the absence of conflict. It requires “a positive, dynamic, participatory process where dialogue is encouraged and conflicts are solved in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation.” This principle aligns with the mission of the Global Unity Forum, which initially focused on promoting peace within the Sri Lankan diaspora. Today, it has evolved into a platform fostering dialogue across nations and communities. Through initiatives like the Global Unity Dinner, we aim to highlight forgiveness, understanding, and mutual respect as the cornerstones of peace.


Personal Journey: From Conflict to Creating Change

My journey from Sri Lanka to the UK has been one of resilience, transformation, and purpose. Arriving in the UK with only £100 in my pocket as a refugee, I immersed myself in education and later worked in leading financial institutions. However, my true calling was in education and philanthropy, where I could contribute towards societal progress​​.

This year’s International Day of Peace is particularly poignant for me as I reflect on the transformative power of peace in both personal and professional contexts. The Regent Group, founded 25 years ago, has always operated under the guiding principle that “The End Result of Education is Character”​. I believe that cultivating character is directly tied to cultivating peace—whether that’s through personal forgiveness, education, or collective societal efforts.


Regent Group: A Platform for Cultivating Peace

Through the Regent Group, I have had the opportunity to expand this mission globally. Our operations in the UK, USA, UAE, and India now reach more than 10,000 students, and we continue to grow as a global education provider​. Regent’s vision, particularly with the Regent Global Unity Forum, aligns with the UN’s goals of fostering dialogue and peace.

At this year’s Global Unity Dinner, we emphasised the importance of forgiveness and understanding as fundamental to peace. This message will continue to inspire our actions, as we look ahead to Regent Group’s 25th anniversary celebrations in 2024. It is through events like these, along with our ongoing work in education and business, that we hope to contribute to a more peaceful world.


Forgiveness and Understanding: Foundations of Lasting Peace

The act of forgiveness is often difficult but vital in fostering peace. As someone who has experienced conflict firsthand, I have come to understand the profound role that forgiveness plays in moving forward. Whether it is at a personal, communal, or international level, forgiveness allows for the healing of past wounds and the building of stronger, more united societies.

During our Global Unity Dinner, I urged attendees to reflect on how forgiveness and understanding could become part of their daily lives. By encouraging dialogue and nurturing a mindset of empathy and compassion, I believe we can cultivate peace in even the most challenging environments.


Regent Group’s Contribution to Global Peace Efforts

At Regent Group, our contribution to global peace extends beyond dialogue. Our educational programmes, including Thinking into Character, focus on empowering individuals to think critically, make positive changes in their lives, and contribute to the world around them. This inside-out approach to personal development ensures that individuals are not only academically equipped but also emotionally and ethically prepared to lead peaceful, productive lives.

Moreover, the Regent Global Unity Forum continues to expand its mission. Initially focused on the Sri Lankan diaspora, it now seeks to foster peace among all communities, nations, and ethnicities​. In 2024, we aim to strengthen our efforts by hosting more international dialogues and expanding our peace-building initiatives globally.


Looking Forward: Regent’s Role in Cultivating Peace

As Regent Group moves into its next phase of growth, I am inspired by the opportunities that lie ahead. Our commitment to education, technological innovation, and social responsibility places us in a unique position to influence positive change on a global scale. In 2024, we will be marking our 25th year of service, and with that, I am determined to make our contribution to cultivating peace even more impactful.

From expanding our educational reach through Regent European University to launching new initiatives in Dubai and beyond, Regent Group will continue to advocate for peace through education, dialogue, and community-building​.


The International Day of Peace serves as a reminder that peace is not a static achievement but a continual process that requires the effort of all individuals, communities, and nations. This year’s theme of Cultivating Peace is a call to action, urging each of us to play our part in fostering a more peaceful and understanding world. As I reflect on the journey that my wife and I have taken, from fleeing conflict to building a global organisation dedicated to education and peace, I feel immense gratitude and responsibility. Together, with the support of Regent Group, the Global Unity Forum, and our many partners, I remain committed to promoting peace and unity in all that we do.